Elder Rahson retort ---sexuality and the New barbarity w/in the black family

all who hesitate are not perverted.

women by nature are not hormonally driven as males. In light of the present times horrifying, gory misuses of our female population that u can read or see Daily ---it is appropriate to at least put off mindless loyalty to abusers and sex for sex sake. Chastity is a virtue in spite of your slander. We are not living in wholesome times And even the Book says if you can, you should NOT marry. Not in idleness but w purpose. Our girls are being enslaved , disappeared slaughtered even by blood kin, whose intent for them is filthy perverted. YOU HAVE TIME AND AGAIN IDENTIFIED W/ THE PREDATOR NOT THE VICTIMS. You are in error, a advisory to avoid these malefactors rather than end up a statistic to at least STOP AND THINK! You have a platform , slander is a serious crime against our people, put off your spite. And quit bashing elder women. I happen to be able to draw male attention. that does not mean I'm a delusional bitter ol sot. Your inferiorty streak is showing. time to STOP!
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