
Showing posts from May, 2023
hmm. I live in a very vannilla upscale town ...every scammer mail fraud ster pertty thief was wyt. And all the internet criminals are wyt. wondered about that --- they were very educated its always them so far as i ever heard. ANDwe got really bad issues w/ shooh -ters. My neighbors work in the best hotel in town --- ww are prone to wreck entire suites then like cry r -word.And the corporate charged thier credit cards 10k or so like eating peanuts. I personally would not lay down on a bedspread in any hotel. it used to be news reports on how filthy hotels motels etc it just not what it was before. The dope man pretty much operates w/ a free hand, the druggies (many of them are children of the wealthy) live in an enclave look like the walking dead. I lived next door to a Smiths --- the liquor dept side --- it was nothing for a ww to grab a magnum to run out on camera. I have seen ww drunk in the streets here, one exposed herself to my teen son he was doing landscape work pick
 on a newlywed widowers grief --- and mine  t is sad but theres comfort for him in family and social standing.he has some dignity. I hope he is sheilded from those who are insensitive. Usually, people respected my widowhood and disability . And my children were tiny . Sometimes people had no reserve ,did not respect me at all. Stole from me . Insulted me, ridiculed me . Misused my children. Seeing me dysfunctional, numb , sick. Labeled that as lazyness. To the point of my health breaking again. Destructive business that. I suppose human rituals like grieving are no where as supportted as they were generations ago. When life was dangerous and often short. And people were humbler?Our society is childish and often cruel. And then again, some of us are respectable. And some not so much .
actually spousal support and protection of family IS A WORLD WIDE STANDARD.Especially since PATRIARCHY stripped women of control of what and how much they have. Most of the work in the world is accomplished by women and their children. Which means she is both loaded up at home and abroad. Most efforts to "help" the situation from the West is to award the father help--- often that never gets to the children, but funds indulgences like cigarettes ,imported liquor and prostitutes generally wyter than what he has at home.Men in Mali I believe, beat their women and take the money so oftenthat their are seperate womens villages that ban them.In nature , male animals do not usually get sex priveileges unless they compete and provide for the female and their progeny.Most males do not get much of that , they are discarded if deficent. why is it that all these women are cheating and unbothered while so many of them going CELIBATE? Why is it that you are not even responsible for whose
In response to" King Obutala"    f I were whyte and male I would be called a Metaphysician. But u have no respect for female principles(that were celebrated and a study in Eygpt,thats what a preistesses role was then , and the proverbs scriptures came from Prophetesses  and female scholars too Israel is an offshoot of AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY. Books are to be TESTED. To belive aimelessly is ridiculous but if u test& track the results --that is SCIENCE. I might also remind you the state of halluciation is undestinguishable from waking brain processes. And intuition has been proven a higher faculty than logic processess by the medical establishment. Of whom you respect more than a black woman of the House Of David by blood.We under the west are not usually allowed to be formally cultivated. I have . I discern that you are actually bound to our enimies . to entrap youth. And delude fools. And are weary of the corner you have been painted into. Active Celestea Deanes Daw'ud H
English is often described as "mispronounced French " lol. Spanish & Portueguese are heavily derivied from Greek and Latin , and are more scholarly . Latin was Ecrustian derived and they were a colony of Eygptians that civilized proto Rome. Greek and Hebrew are related ---Arabic and Hebrew and Armahaic are considered "Afridic" languages. It is of especial intrest to realize the eastern nations of the old World that use Arabic script are related to the ones mentioned above in shocking ways . For example, the use of the pronoun "El" --"He" or "It" ,"Ella" or "she" -"him " a plurality ("Them") Hebrew: "ELOHIM"! wo' in Chinese is first person pronoun when combined w/ "Men" describes a group : "Women" . (Us!) follows the declension pattern in Greek for a plurality --the second person feminine.  We have inherited that notion traditionally, intutuiviely understanding