English is often described as "mispronounced French " lol. Spanish & Portueguese are heavily derivied from Greek and Latin , and are more scholarly . Latin was Ecrustian derived and they were a colony of Eygptians that civilized proto Rome. Greek and Hebrew are related ---Arabic and Hebrew and Armahaic are considered "Afridic" languages. It is of especial intrest to realize the eastern nations of the old World that use Arabic script are related to the ones mentioned above in shocking ways

. For example, the use of the pronoun "El" --"He" or "It" ,"Ella" or "she" -"him " a plurality ("Them") Hebrew: "ELOHIM"! wo' in Chinese is first person pronoun when combined w/ "Men" describes a group : "Women" . (Us!) follows the declension pattern in Greek for a plurality --the second person feminine.

 We have inherited that notion traditionally, intutuiviely understanding the need for the excluded feminine in when we speak of a collective ---- say a ship or a religious body or a nation as a "Her".

 Eygptian we still use everyday is the period"." comma "," , exclamation point: (!) and most famously the question mark ("?")These all were derived from the study of felines! Kemet citizens loved them.


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