The sad fact is --- Men are hard wired in intolerence. This is base. But reality. Civilized men resist this impulse. When women take up this persona, know that this is artifice a devience (by medical opinion not just mine , so sit down) Actual males percieve your posturing as a threat. Small minded , but this reality this is who they are once the surface has been scraped! This is what men are!
Which is what women like these will never be. Despite any effort to mock up. Another element is Lesbian domestic violence as well. Arguments altercations are common, very high in that population. Knowing this and knowing your precarious position in society a reasonable person would reserve issue with a partner IN PRIVATE!.Knowing that your lifestyle is at risk conflict in it should be aknowledged . Again a mental health issue. Notice the victim RETURNED TO THE DANGEROUS scene. After being threatened and expected safety there. That is delusional.
Illusion is enjoyable it enhances life on earth . Delusion can put you off planet. Women in general should be better prepared to deal with the worst in life. The dominant population crafted this situation in our society. And "gifted" you encouragement to live in this way. It was not for your benefit I suspect. Naivety has not place here. It is a false comfort.
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